Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Good News

So I went to see my midwife today and we received good news. Yes, the baby has turned. :) And, here is the real surprise, I'm already dilated to a 1. At 35.5 weeks, that may not seem like much to some of you.... but at 41 weeks with Eva, I still hadn't made it that far. So here is to signs that maybe this delivery won't be quite as long and exhausting... That surely is good news. The only bad news was that apparently I'm not supposed to be traveling long distances from hospitals at this point, so I don't think I'll be accompanying Weston on our second house hunting trip to Logan this coming Thursday. Now I don't think I'll be having a baby any time in the next week... but really, does a stuffed whale need to go against doctors orders and try to beach herself. As my Dad would say, I think a long day of driving, two long days of house hunting, and then another long day of driving, all while taking care of my favorite toddler - all of this, at eight months pregnant, would qualify as "cruisin' for a bruisin'" So I'm disappointed though. Weston will have to go without us and will have to be gone for Eva's 2nd birthday and likely Halloween. We will miss him. But we do hope he finds a wonderful home for us, just like he did when I was pregnant with Eva and he had to fly out here to Great Falls alone to go house hunting...

So here are a few picts - one, so you can track my growth, which I think is at least mildly impressive - and two, so you can see the pumpkin we carved last night. Eva was at first a little scared of the lit up pumpkin, but then she thought the "flower" inside was very interesting. And well, who can disagree.... "flower" is very interesting...

1 comment:

Lindsey said...

Excellent news! I've been meaning to ask you what house you chose, that answers that. You look FABULOUS by the way, congrats on being at a 1. Let the fun begin!