Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Spring Break Anybody?

On April 20th, this is what the Spring brought to us... Weston has rewritten the words to "Popcorn Popping on the Apricot Tree".... use your imagination. Enjoy the warm weather where ever you are! As a side note - you should see the country side here when covered in a fresh blanket of snow. It doesn't matter what season it is - it is always beautiful.

Mowgli still has to explore - it's his nature. He is an arctic panther!

Weston measuring the snow depth. 12" folks!

You've got to be snuggled in weather like this!

You can see what Loca thinks of it all.


Liv said...

Bek, your pictures are SO GREAT! You have such a happy and warm looking little home and the snow just makes it seem like the perfect place to be. I get so excited everytime I see that you've posted...

Lindsey said...

Wow, that really sucks. I guess I shouldn't feel so bad, at least our snow melts fast...maybe I should re-think wanting to live in Montana.