Thursday, November 8, 2007

Eva Esperanza Nelson

Introducing Eva Esperanza Nelson. Yes! She finally made it. We first got to meet her at 8:03pm on October 30th after about 26 hours of labor. She weighted 7lbs and 15oz and was 20 inches long. As you can see, she was born with a head covered with dark hair and eye lashes to boot. I have never seen anything so beautiful in my life as she looked to me the instant she was born. They come straight from heaven. That is for sure. I'll write more later, after I've had a chance to write it all down for myself in my journal. And I'll post a few more picts from the last week. My best to you all.

The new Dad. He's a natural. She's lucky to have him. And so am I!

Here's the new Momma - still amazed at how perfect she is.

Measurements. We don't have a pict of them measuring her head, but it came in at 13 3/4 inches! WOW!!! No wonder it took 26 hrs! But it was worth it.


bug girl said...

She is absolutely beautiful. Good job, that is you and your genes.

Ama said...

And they are so lucky to have you!!! I am so excited for you, yeah you have your baby!!! She is a doll. So beatiful. What a cute little family! Keep me update! Take care of you all!!! God bless! Love ya Amanda