Friday, June 20, 2008

New Highchair

It took about a month and a half of sneaking baby food into Eva's mouth before she decided she liked it. After about a month of trying on my part, and gagging on Eva's part, I was beginning to get concerned. I called my Mom. She assured me Eva would not go to college still nursing. Eventually she would get the hang of this solid food thing... if you can call baby food solid. So we kept trying and then one day, all of the sudden, she figured it out, and now she eats that baby food like a pro. She makes so many faces while she's eating it is hard to tell if she likes it or not, but I take the recurring open mouth to mean she's giving it a thumbs up. When she is done, she still opens her mouth, but instead of swallowing, she tries to blow bubbles in it. Still, she is so adorable, she makes even this cute. Here's our little cutie munching away on some pears in her munchkin mesh bag sitting in her brand new highchair.

Oh, I'm such a proud mom!


Mike and Jen said...

You should be because "girl she looks good won't you back the girl up"!(I stole that from a song in case your wondering why the quotes)

Coby & Jill said...

She's getting big! Wow!! I wish I had a plastic high chair high chair was a gift and it's cloth--- it would save me an extra thing to wash if it was plastic!! Who knows why they make them with material anyways?? So there's more for us to clean!?!? :)

She's so cute!!! What is the Munchkin ring she's chewing on?? I haven't ever seen that and it looks like it's a huge hit for a teether. Ben hated teething rings-- and Baby Orajel so there wasn't a lot that he could do other than chew on stuff that shouldn't be chewed really.