Monday, March 24, 2008


So when Helen started calling little Eppi "Troll" - lovingly of coure, after the little pencil top trolls of the 80's and 90's, well, I just thought those little three inch locks of hair growing directly over her ears were just adorable. Then Weston started referring to her as his little Jewish baby, just with the fore locks slightly out of place.

So we asked Eppi what she thought about them. She said, "huh, you think my hair is funny?"

"Well, how about that!"

So, we gave Eppi her very first hair cut. Those locks of hair are now safely tucked away in her book of memories.... I love my little troll.... pteradactyl... monkey.... bug..... I sure do! And so does Daddy!


Helen said...

Oh dear, now I have to think up a different nick name for her!

Coby & Jill said...

I want to cuddle little eppi troll!! Ben had the same problem-- crazy hair! We called him "crazy hair benz."
Gotta love the terms of endearment we give little kids (and each other).