Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Poem of the Day

I get a lot of great poems for Sam Droege's poem list serve. I've decided to start sharing some of them on the blog. I hope you enjoy them as much as I do.


Stop looking like a purse. How could a purse
squeeze under the rickety door and sit,
full of satisfaction, in a man's house?

You clamber towards me on your four corners —
right hand, left foot, left hand, right foot.

I love you for being a toad,
for crawling like a Japanese wrestler,
and for not being frightened.

I put you in my purse hand, not shutting it,
and set you down outside directly under
every star.

A jewel in your head? Toad,
you've put one in mine,
a tiny radiance in a dark place.

- Norman MacCaig

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