Friday, October 26, 2007

Day at the Beach

At 40 weeks and 3 days pregnant, a beautiful day with nothing to do called us to a beach near by - our favorite, called Wall Beach. The sand is soft, there are usually few others there, many birds, and lots of critters. It is beautiful. ....just be lucky we didn't take any pictures of the game of frisbee. My frisbee skills aren't quite what they used to be. Please don't ask me to go long, at least not for another couple of weeks!

...children playing on the beach.... it must have been 80 degrees + that day.....

Weston was soaking in the rays too....

Weston took this one. Isn't it nice. They look so drab until they open and then they are fantastic!

Just me showing off my profile. I don't think this shot does it justice!

Poor lost little ladybird beetle.

This shot is the second of two. For the first one, I pushed the button on the camera, thinking I could make the distance to Weston before the picture took. Needless to say, Weston was the only one in that picture. For this one, Weston pushed the button and look, he doesn't even look out of breath!!!


Liv said...

That looks like an absolutely wonderful day... how I wish I was there with you! I'm sorry you didn't get to swim, knowing you you were wishing you could! Any day now...

ps I think that picture really does do you justice. =>

Lindsey said...

Great photos and you you look so good beck...oh I just love this post.