Thursday, October 16, 2008

Are all parents so proud!?

I've heard many other moms talk about a time in their baby's development when it seems they are doing something new and exciting, well, constantly - or so it seems from the way they talk. Well, there have been times "like" that for Eva in the past, kinda.... But this last week, hold the phone, or you socks... or whatever it is you are supposed to hold when there is breaking news. So you ask, what new things can Eva do. Well to start, she CRAWLS!!! This long awaited feat of strength and coordination is finally Eva's. She loves it, so much that usually a crawl of any length begins and ends with a head stand - that is her version of down-ward facing dog, with top of the head on the ground, of course! She still lacks direction - she'll start off toward me and then get distracted and turn back and then get distracted and lay down and then get distracted and roll over.... I fear this may be a life long trait. Oh well - she crawls and that makes her happy and THAT makes me happy. We are so proud!

Second, Eva loves a cup. Not a sippy cup. Oh no. Give her a real, regular cup, or give her.... mama - just NOT a bottle or a sippy cup. She's been drinking out of a cup for a while, so a few days ago I decided to try letting her hold the cup while she drank. I told her "both hands", so she took hold with both hands and drank better than ever. With all the control she not only gets more to drink, but more baths a day... what could be better!

Third - Eva has finally discovered that she doesnt' HAVE to have a shirt on if she doesn't want to. Too bad she discovered this just in time for a Montana winter! Don't you just love that budda belly!

Fourth - yes, there is a fourth... Drum roll please.... Eva now goes to bed all by herself!!! And she sleeps through the night. Thanks to Weston, some divine inspiration, and a bit of perspiration on my part, she not only falls asleep on her own in a matter of minutes each night, but she will do it for Weston!! That means I don't even have to be there and she can still do it! She also stays asleep ( for months she's been waking up about 1/2 hour after she goes down to nurse again and some times again and again.... ). And, perhaps best of all, most nights she sleeps through the night for a total of about 12 hours. This means I actually do get some free time in the evenings and SHE gets a good night sleep as well. What could be better!?

Well, busy week eh. I wonder what will happen next week. Walking, rock climbing, piano playing, calculus.... who knows!!!


Lindsey said...

That's Great! Aren't these moments the greatest...ahhh, it's really great.

Anyway, I want to hear more about this putting herself to sleep and sleeping through the night thing. I have a 2 year old who has yet to master this. We need help.

Lu said...

Your little girl is adorable. It is so fun when they start figuring things out:)

Sus Mettler said...

What a dolly...I would be proud too! I wish I could meet her in person... Also, when the day comes that I need to teach my baby to sleep through the night, will you please share Weston's secret method?

Mike and Jen said...

Hooray for crawling!!!! I think its a great moment because they seem to be that much more happy because now they can explore on there own! And yes I love teh budda belly!

Anonymous said...

Love the belly!

Liv said...

Slap me with a pickle and roll me in phyllo dough, that is one adorable baby you have!!! So fun to see the personality develop--I think you should figure out how to post a video of her next so that we can hear her little voice... I am sure it's as cute as the rest of her.

Anonymous said...

what a cute little girl! She just gets cuter with every entry! I just love these early years where every little feat is a major achievement. Love to you all.

Jenny said...

She really is adorable!
Been meaning to thank you for the instructions on making the mattress and crib sheets too!
:-) Jenny