Thursday, January 15, 2009

Mama Did a Bad Thing

These were the words that first came out my mouth when I saw Eva. "Oh no, Mama just did a bad thing." Yes, and I had, because I knew Eva had the pen. I knew Eva could take the lid off said pen. I had put her in a room by herself with said pen. Yes, indeed, Mama had done a bad thing - well not soooo bad. It was water based ink!


Lindsey said...

She wears it nicely:)

Liv said...

Oh but the fun your baby had doing that bad thing! Those pictures are great.

Anonymous said...

lol it happens to the best of moms

Coby & Jill said...

It's amazing that amid a semi-stressful situation that you can take some beautifully shot photographs. Well done!!!

It's probably a good thing that pens aren't flavored because they all end up in the mouths of little explorers. The evidence trail on Eva is just so adorable.

Mike and Jen said...

Oh that looks fantastic on her! I did a bad thing once as well. I forgot to put the markers away and a certain baby got ahold of it and sucked the ink right out. Good things mouths don't stay blue forever and ink washes right off!